Repeated vomiting in children

7 years old male child presented with repeated episodes of vomiting since 6 months. Weight gain was also not so great. Child was investigated for regular blood check-ups, liver scan, renal profile, abdominal sonography; all were normal. We planned endoscopy to look for hyperacidity which is causing repeated vomiting. When endoscopy came normal, it was a task to establish diagnosis. We modified the diet to zero non-veg food, adequate water intake, started on antacid medications. Child responded for some days and again had similar episodes, but this time it was early morning vomiting. Child also started having headaches which were disturbing his daily routine. Though there was no history of any weakness in hands, legs, unconsciousness, convulsions, we proceeded towards CT Head. It showed Brain tumour, child id operated at tata hospital, now he is recovering. DISCUSSION: It is not always possible to have diagnosis immediately once we meet patient with long standing illness. Sometimes chronic problem is seen during process of development. In such cases we have to treat patient symptomatically and wait for course to be unveil. There is dictum in medical science, try to fit all symptoms in one disease if possible. In this case the understanding of this dictum helped, vomiting, headache together is the sign of raised intracranial pressure so we suspected space occupying lesion in brain.
